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Original Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2021; 11(8): 108-115

Synthesis of Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt extract's silver nanoparticles and it’s in vitro antidiabetic activity

Yasmin H. Momin, Veerendra C. Yeligar.

Cited by 4 Articles

The development of ecofriendly methods for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) is an important step in the field of Nano biotechnology and Nanoscience. NPs are synthesized by various methods but are hazardous to ecosystem and expensive. Hence, there is need to develop nontoxic, ecofriendly, and less expensive procedures for synthesis of NPs with the ideal morphologies. The present study aimed to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt hydroalcoholic stem extract and investigate the in vitro antidiabetic activity. AgNPs were synthesized by reducing the silver ions of silver nitrate solution by the hydroalcoholic extract of C. grandis (L.) Voigt stem. Formation of deep brown color qualitatively confirms synthesis of AgNPs which was further confirmed by UV– Visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, particle size analysis, zeta potential, and HR-TEM. These AgNPs exhibited UV visible absorptions in the range of 400–450 nm; High resolution transmission electron microscopy demonstrated AgNPs particle size at 20 nm. In vitro antidiabetic activity was evaluated for these AgNPs and found potent to reduce blood sugar level. The AgNPs of C. grandis (L.) Voigt stem extract showed remarkable in vitro antidiabetic activity and can be used as vehicle in drug transportation and in the targeted drug delivery system.

Key words: Silver nanoparticles, In vitro antidiabetic activity, Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt, Hydro alcoholic extract

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