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Comparison of antivenom effects between pediatric and adult patients presented to emergency department with scorpion stings

Ertugrul Altinbilek, Kaan Yusufoglu, Abdullah Algin, Sahin Colak.


The aim of this study was to compare the use of antivenom, and admission to ICU, scorpinism between adult and pediatric patients. This study included 99 patients who were admitted to the emergency department with scorpion sting within 1 year. Patients’ demographics including age and gender, and clinical findings such as ionized Ca values, body region of sting contact and complications were recorded from the patient files and hospital records. In addition, regarding management of patients with scorpionism the use of antivenoms, admission to intensive care unit and complications developed by the patients were also recorded. Patients were divided into two groups according to age as the pediatric group including patients aged ≤ 18 years (Group 1) old and the adult group consisting of patients aged> 18 years old (Group 2). Antivenom administration was performed in 12 patients (12.2%). Antivenom was administered in 38% (n=8) of the patients in Group 1 and 5.13% (n=4) of the patients in Group 2. The mean age of patients who received antivenom was statistically significantly lower than the patients who did not receive antivenom (p

Key words: Scorpion sting, scorpionism, antivenom, children

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