Background: Karish cheese manufactured traditionally from raw milk may harbor many biological health hazards.
Aim: Production of safe pasteurized Karish cheese with improved sensory characteristics using probiotics and prebiotics (synbiotic Karish cheese).
Methods: Laboratory Karish cheese was made to study the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum with and without inulin on cheese quality. Treatments were examined for sensory, chemical and microbial quality, shelf life and survival of L. plantarum were also monitored. The antimicrobial effect of L. plantarum and inulin against Enterobacter aerogenes in cheese was evaluated.
Results: Sensory, chemical, and microbial quality of Karish cheese supplemented with L. plantarum and inulin were positively affected, moreover, the shelf life was extended up to 28 days. Karish cheese contained L. plantarum showed the highest flavor score, while treatment contained both L. plantarum and inulin attained the best body & texture score. Moreover, L. plantarum and inulin significantly reduced Enterobacter aerogenes count during Karish cheese chilled storage, the reduction log reached to 3.76 log10 cfu/g at 7th day of storage compared to control. Additionally, Inulin significantly increased the survival of L. plantarum throughout storage period.
Conclusion: This study concluded that using probiotics and prebiotics in Karish cheese synergistically improved its sensory properties, safety and hygienic quality.
Key words: Enterobacter aerogens, inulin, Karish cheese, Lactobacillus plantarum, synbiotic.