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J. res. tradit. med. 2021; 7(2, Jul- Dec 2021): 43-48

Study on the Anti-lithogenic effect of Tablet Bigol and Shashwat Ghrita in the management of Cholelithiasis (Pittashmari)

Panditrao D. Londhe, Manjiri Walinjkar.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Specific medical therapy for cholelithiasis is still an unmet need. Common surgical preference like cholecystectomy and choledochotomy though relieve the agonizing pain but alter digestion process permanently which predisposes the continuance of the presentation like heaviness in the abdomen, heart burn, eructation, lethargy, bowel irregularity in spite of dietary restriction.

Aim: The present study intends to study the efficacy of tablet Bigol and Shashwat Ghrita in the management of Pittashmari w.s.r. to Cholelithiasis.

Method: In the present study, a total of 30 patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis were selected from OPD and IPD unit of Dr. MN Aagashe Charitable Hospital, Satara, Maharashtra, India. For the clinical study, Tablet Bigol and Shashwat Ghrita was authentically prepared in the Ayurveda Arkashala, Satara and were administered in the dose of 1 gm and 20 ml respectively once a day for the duration of 6 months.

Result: It was observed that stone size was reduced in 66.66% patients. In 10% of patients stone size remained unchanged. The drugs caused 2-3 times soft stools in most of the patients and resulted in satisfactory bowel habit.

Conclusion: It can be concluded from the present study that Tab. Bigol and Shashwat Ghrita are effective remedies in the management of Pittashmari (cholelithiasis).

Key words: Bigol tablet, Bhedan, Cholelithiasis, Pittashmari, Shashwat Ghrita, Udarshool.

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