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Always, better, and control-vital essential and desirable analysis of pharmacy store of tertiary care teaching hospital, Mumbai

Dinesh Dhodi, Shyamal Sinha, Shashank Desai, Manasi Vable.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Approximately 35.0% of annual hospitals budget is spent on buying materials and supplies, including medicines. This requires effective and efficient management of the medical stores. The primary purpose of a store is to receive, hold, and dispatch stock and to manage stock and ensure the smooth flow of goods by determining what, how much, and when to order stock.

Aim and Objective: To analyze Always, Better, and Control-Vital Essential and Desirable (ABC-VED) matrix of the pharmacy store of tertiary care teaching hospital, Mumbai.

Materials and Methods: ABC analysis based on cost and VED analysis based on criticality of items in drug store was done for the year of 2018–2019. ABC-VED matrix analysis was done and items were categorized in Category I, II, and III.

Results: The drug store consisted of 313 items out of which 14.37%, 21.40%, and 10.03% of items belong to category A, B, and C, respectively, and spending 69.89%, 20.06%, and 10.03% of total budget. About 24.28%, 52.17%, and 23.00% items belong to category V, E, and D, respectively, and spending 14.78%, 60.34%, and 24.87% of total budget. ABC-VED matrix analysis showed that 36.10%, 49.20%, and 14.69% items belong to category I, II, and III, respectively, spending 77.42%, 20.37%, and 2.19% of total budget.

Conclusion: Category I items require upmost level of management. Category II items require top-/middle-level management and category III requires lower level management.

Key words: Always, Better, and Control Analysis; Vital Essential and Desirable Analysis; Always, Better, and Control-Vital Essential and Desirable Matrix; Pharmacy Store

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