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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 783-786

Clinical practice in hospital during Covid-19 era; an experience of orthopedic surgeons

Nusrat Rasheed, Usman Sarwar, Sundas Karimi, Kumar, Raza Askari, Ovais Malik.


Objective: To assess the problems of orthopaedic surgeons in covid-19 era.
Methodology: This cross-sectional observational study was carried out at the orthopedic department of Liaquat college of Medicine and dentistry for a period of 1 month from using snow ball sampling technique. Orthopedic surgeons either consultant or resident were included in the study.
Results:: Out of 110 respondents, 47(42.7%) were consultants and 63(57.3%) residents. We found that 96(87.3%) surgeons feared of getting an infection and 100(96.4%) feared of getting infection to families. 97(88.2%) thought there were lack of medical facilities for the families and 94(85.5%) regarded a lack of surgical skills and continued medical education. 99(90%) surgeons agreed that they modified treatment plans of surgery during the COVID-19 period, however, 91 (82.7%) continued their surgical practice during COVID period. Only six(5.5%) surgeons had separate operating room available for Covid patients.
Conclusion: Majority of the surgeons feared of getting infected themselves as well as to their families. Lack of medical facilities and surgical skills were unanimous. Due to COVID-19, most surgeons had to change or modify their treatment surgical plans. However most surgeons continued their surgical practice where major procedures carried out were emergency procedures.

Key words: Covid-19, pandemic, orthopedic surgeon, clinical practice.

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