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Effect of various intensity of exercise on serum prolactin level in untrained male individuals

Sandhya Devi, Atosh Kumar, Anupama Gupta, Pravesh Kumar, Dolly Rastogi, Chitra Srivastava, Mahendra Singh.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Exercise and physical health influence the plasma levels of reproductive hormone and prolactin in both sexes. Lower levels of sex hormones, female estrogen, and male testosterone can be associated with higher levels of serum prolactin. Lower male reproductive hormones may lead to exhaustion, decreased sperm count, loss of sexual desire, temporary infertility, and impotence.

Aim and Objective: The objective of the study was to see the effect of various intensity of exercise on serum prolactin level in untrained male individuals.

Materials and Methods: A total of 20 untrained male individuals asked to perform exercise of various grade (mild, moderate, and severe). Pre-and post-workout blood samples were obtained to determine serum prolactin levels. Serum prolactin levels assessed through prolactin hormone ELISA kit. The data were analyzed by the student Paired t–test using the version 26 “SPSS Statistical Package.”

Results: In untrained male subjects, the prolactin levels increased after the various intensity of exercise compare to pre-exercise level and the difference was statistically significant.

Conclusion: In males plasma levels of sex hormones not only depends on postexercise serum prolactin levels but also depending on the intensity and duration of the activity and the physical fitness of the individual.

Key words: Exercise; Prolactin; Males

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