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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 373-380


BushraNaoreen, ShamaielaMehbooob Ali Farooqi, Noor Muhammad, SaminaKosar.


Purpose of this study was to know the “First Year Students Expectations and Preparedness in University” whereas some other demographic variable of the study were Institution status, programs, facultyand gender. The study was descriptive in nature. The population of study comprised of students at three universities faculty of Social sciences and Physical sciences. The sample of the study was 174 male and 147 female students. Questionnaire was developed by the researcher to conduct the study. The questionnaire was comprised of 41 items having 10 factors. After collecting the data, the data analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Descriptive statistics was used for the description of trends in data. Independent sample t- test,and Pearson’s correlation were used to identify the perception of the respondents about First Year Students Expectations and Preparedness in the University. The findings of the study show that student’s readiness and expectations involvement has greater impact.

Key words: Students, expectations, preparedness, university

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