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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 407-413

Relationship between Students’Academic Performance and their Self-Construction at University Level

Mubashira Khalid, Shumaila Shahzad, Noor Muhammad, ShamaielaMehboobFarooqi.


This research was an endeavor to investigate the possible connection between the self-construction of the undergraduate students and their academic performance. The term self-construction or self-concept refers to the experience of one’s own being. It includes what people come to know about themselves through experience, meditation and feedback from others. The basic purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between selfconcept and academic achievement of students at undergraduate level. The research was descriptive in nature. The population contained the undergraduates’ students of University of Punjab. A quantitative research method was used which requires a survey to collect the necessary data by questionnaires from undergraduate students of institution of education and research of Punjab University. The sample of the study was 240 students of undergraduate program studying in IER. Convenient sampling technique was used. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 15.0 by applying t-test and ANOVA.The results indicated that here is no significant correlation exist between students’ selfconcept and their academic achievement. Results also showed that perceptions regarding self-concept of male students were better than of female students.

Key words: Self-construction, self-concept, academic performance, experiences

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