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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 420-427

The Indicators of Organizational Learning and their Correlation with Organizational Innovation Strategies

Asif Iqbal, M. Anees-ul-Husnain Shah, Muhammad Shabbir Ali, Saba Shahzadi.


Organizational learning can examine learning of organization, its output, innovativeness, and effectiveness.The current research paperinvestigatedthe indicators of organizational learning and their correlation with organizational innovation strategies. The data were collected using simple random sampling technique of 452 students from different universities. The data were collected using the instrument, organizational learning & innovation survey.The Pearson r test revealed It is revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between organizational learning and organizational innovativeness between science and arts students, as well as significant.It was proved that when the organizational innovativeness increases, organizational learning also increases. It is revealed that there is a strong positive relationship of culture and moderate positive and relationship of process with organizational learning of students which were also significant.It is recommended that training about organisational learning may be provided to learners for better innovation in their studies.

Key words: Organisational learning, innovativeness, knowledge integration

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