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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 460-465

Impact of ICT on Academic Achievement of Students

M. ArslanRaheem, Mubashira Khalid, M. Anees-ul-Husnain Shah, Muhammad Zahid.


Current era is the era of online learning and day by day the infrastructure barriers of time and place are being substituted by digital world where physical access to education. The study is an intention to explore teachers’ readiness for the use of ICT in classroom at elementary level. The sample comprised of three hundred and sixteen teachers randomly selected from secondary schools. An instrument, ICT use and Performance Survey [ICTPS]. The results revealed that the female teachers had higher performance when use information technology in their classes. Male teachers had positive attitude in using information technology and found to be more competent in applying information technology than that of female teachers. Experience of teachers have significant impact on the challenges when they use information technology. It is recommended to empower the teachers with ICT for better performance and integration with modern era.

Key words: ICT, Students’ achievement, Integration with digital world

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