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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 476-482

Unfair Means Practices in Annual Examinations: The Teachers’ Perspective

Dr. Bibi Asia Naz, Dr. Khuda Bakhsh, Dr. Muhammad Shabbir.


UnfairMean Practicesduringtheexamsarereallyagreatproblemintheeducationalsystem. Researcher tried to investigate the forms (types), of unfair practices in examinations and certain reasons for the Unfair Mean Practices EMP. Main purpose was to highlight the unfair practices found in Secondary School Examination or other board exams in Baluchistan. There was Cluster sampling, and the Questionnaire was distributed among the 500teachers who performed their duties in the exams as a superintendent; deputy superintendent or invigilator, once, twice and thrice or more, in the board exams. The questionnaire comprised of fourteen statements. The data was collected from different districts of Baluchistan and was analyzed usingSPSS.The malpractices used in the examinations are multidimensional i.e. using of lucky series, handbooks, consulting Google through cell phone, were witnessed. Cell phonesare also being used for making calls, sending and receiving SMS etc. Mutual changing of the answer sheets or even replacing the original candidates, misconduct with the exam staff, copying from one another are very common, particularly in the rural and remote areas of Baluchistan, reported by some of the centers. Nepotism and favoritism are some of the social aspects of malpractices, certain political leaders taking the side of candidates to get them high markstomakethemeligibleforsomespecialscholarshiporseatquota etc.Sometimes even exam staff is reported to be pressurized or blackmailed in the far flung areas of the Baluchistan. Certain reasons behinds the malpractices on the sides of students, parents and teachers were also identified. Based upon the results of the study, some practical and potent recommendations were made to see our examination system clear and transparent.

Key words: Unfair Mean Practices, Students, Examination, Supervisory Staff, Baluchistan

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