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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 483-496


Faisal Irfan, Mahmoona Shahzadi, Tasaddaq Hussain, Syed Abuzar Naqvi, Tajammal Hussain Awan.


- Linguistic Ecology shows a relationship between a man and his environment and this research work was carried out for investigating the Ecological Perspectives of English Language Learning in Pakistan. An analytical technique through qualitative approach was used to analyze the Ecological Perspectives of English Language Learning in Pakistan. For this Purpose secondary sources were implied and all publications of recent ten years were analyzed to derive a vocabulary list of those words which are being used in Pakistan and are related to the field of Eco linguistics. The derived vocabulary list expressed three basic aspects of linguistic ecology and the society of Pakistan such as i) Ecological words and their class ii) Ecological Relationship among words in Pakistani Language Perspective and iii) Quality of words in cohesion with ecology and its ecological usage. The extracted vocabulary was expressed in tables with explanation. The analysis concluded that the attitude of the people of Pakistan towards learning English language has essentially changed and is still going on to be changed. Pakistani environment for learning language is not purely equivalent to its own origins as it is the state with diverse languages, behavior, environment, ecology and cognitivism, so the learning behavior and perspectives of different people towards learning English language also differ. So, there is a need to review the language planning in Pakistan. As ecological perspectives of English language learning are not as rich in Pakistan as in other countries so it should be promoted and the new term towards linguistics i.e. Ecolinguistics must be introduced as a separate field.

Key words: Ecology, Perspective, Ecolinguistics, Linguistic Ecology, Ecological Perspective, etc.

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