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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 497-505

Effect of Leadership Styles and Work Climate on Job Performance: A Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment among University Lecturers in Pakistan

Syed Ali Zamin, Dr. Fauzi Hussin.


Performance is considered to be very important and core issue which can be deliberately debated in an organization. Success and failure of any organizations depend upon performance of their employees. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the effect of leadership styles and work climate on job performance with the mediating role of organizational commitment. The study was quantitative based on cross sectional research design. The public universities lecturers were selected as the population while 413 respondents were administered as sample of this study by using stratified random sampling technique. Moreover, survey method was administered in order to collect the data from respondents by using standardized questionnaires. SPSS-25 and Smart PLS-SEM-3.3 were computed for analysis. The findings of this research revealed that there was a positive and significant effect of leadership styles and work climate on job performance Furthermore, organizational commitment was significantly mediated the relationship of leadership styles and work climate with job performance. Moreover, this study will be beneficial for the development of HEIs through experienced human resources with competencies

Key words: Leadership Styles, Work Climate, Organizational Commitment; Job Performance

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