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Case Report

Branchial cleft cyst in pregnancy: A case report and description of operative technique

Essa Tawfeeq, Balqees AlGhanem and Mutlaq AlSihan.

Cited by 0 Articles

A branchial cleft cyst is an important differential diagnosis of lateral neck swelling. Few kinds of the literature suggest a connection between the hormonal changes in pregnancy and the rapid growth of branchial cleft cysts. We report a case of a branchial cleft cyst that occurred during the last trimester of pregnancy. Also, we provide the current literature that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of branchial cleft cyst. The main aim of presenting this case is to establish a relationship between the rapid growth of branchial cleft cysts and hormonal changes in pregnancy.

Key words: Branchial cleft anomalies, branchial cleft cyst, hormonal changes in pregnancy

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