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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6341-6349

Free And Compulsory Education: Right Of Children And It's Child Centred Policy

Priti Kumar, Dr. Shweta Talesara.


Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, is the new change in the space of rudimentary schooling. This exploration is an endeavour to concentrate on the difficulties of Right to Education Act, 2009 among Primary School Teachers of Nagaon Municipal Area. By 86 alterations, Article 21 A was added as the new basic right in 2002. Both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha passed the demonstration and got the assent of President on August 26, 2009. The RTE Act, 2009 was informed and happened from April 1, 2010. The exploration is an engaging study. The information was gathered from so many as conceivable in-administration instructors educating in grade Schools of Nagaon Municipal Board region. A survey containing open goal questions was ready for concentrating on the perspectives, difficulties and ideas of the instructors with respect to RTE Act. The discoveries of the review showed that there is a wide hole between strategy associations and the way things are really looked on and executed in the field. The 'Right to Education Act (RTE Act)' passed by the Indian Government in 2009, is without a doubt a critical milestone throughout the entire existence of Indian Education System. This Act rolled out progressive improvements in the customary framework by making the schooling as long as 14 years old for each youngster as an essential right in India. This Act has forced such countless indispensable jobs and obligations upon the Government both Central and State, guardians or watchmen, instructors and after all the Head of the Institution or Headmasters. Because of this Act, the job of the instructors particularly of the deans is expanded too wide in each field like, affirmation, maintenance, assessment and finishing of rudimentary schooling by each youngster as long as 14 years old. The instructors of optional schools have upheld few perspectives cherished in the RTE Act (2009). With respect to model, they believe that it has been guaranteed the option to take training for the understudies of all classes of the general public by the RTE Act (2009).

Key words: Compulsory , Education ,Children , Child ,Policy

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