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Comparison of the caregiver burden of the mothers of children with cerebral palsy and healthy children

Ercan Kaydok, Sezin Solum, Nesibe Sultan Cinaroglu.


The study aims to compare caregiver burden levels of mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CP) to mothers with healthy children. Methods: Participants comprised 40 mothers of children with CP (Group 1), and controls comprised 40 mothers with healthy children(Group 2). Caregiver burden inventory (CBI), hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS) were applied. The functional status of children with CP was evaluated by the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). Secondary problems accompanying CP were also noted. Results: A secondary problem was seen in 75% of children with CP. The caregiver burden (CB) and the frequency of depression among Group 1 mothers were significantly higher than Group 2 mothers (p

Key words: Cerebral palsy, Children, Mother, Caregiver Burden, Depression

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