Suya is a cherished food delicacy which can serve as a source of infection as it can harbor pathogens of clinical importance. However, there is paucity of data on mycological assessment and proximate analysis of suya sold within Kabuga area, Kano State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined the proximate composition and mycological qualities of suya sold within this area in Kano State. A total of thirty-six samples were randomly collected from selected suya spots from the study area and microbiologically analyzed. Total fungal counts, identification of fungi and proximate analysis were NH determined using standard microbiological techniques. A total of fifty-one (51) fungal isolates were obtained from all the suya samples collected. The highest frequency of occurrence was shown by Aspergillus spp (16) while Fusarium spp had the lowest frequency of occurrence (10). Proximate analysis revealed the mean percentage of moisture as 24.00 - 48.00%, crude protein (24.64 - 46.32%), crude fiber (5.25 - 8.75%), fat (8.80 - 17.30%), carbohydrate (0.11 - 14.58%) and ash (1.05 - 2.45%) contents. This study showed the presence of Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium and Rhizopus spp in suya samples examined and hence the need to improve on good hygiene practice by the suya vendors to control associated health risk.
Key words: Proximate analysis, Mycological assessment, Fungi, Microbiological techniques, Vendors