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Potato Producers’ Attitudes Towards Cold Storage in Selected Areas of Bogura District

Md. Shishir Ahamed, Md. Moniruzzaman, Nazia Tabassum.


Potato is an important vegetable for its commercial and nutritional value in the world as well as Bangladesh. The study was undertaken to examine producers’ attitudes towards cold storage and also to identify factors influencing the attitudes. Primary data were collected from purposively selected 50 potato producers from Shibgonj and Sadar upazila of Bogura district. The primary data were collected through direct face to face interview method with the help of pretested structured questionnaires during the month of November, 2018. Five point Likert scale had been used to collect data for measuring the producers’ attitudes towards cold storage. Multiple regression model was used to examine the factors influencing potato producers’ attitudes towards cold storage. By using the data from Likert scale, total score value for individual potato producer was calculated and it was found that most of the potato producers (68 per cent) showed their disfavored attitudes towards cold storage and only 26 per cent showed their favored attitudes in the study area. Average score value for the individual statements were also estimated and found that most of the score values were less than three, which means that most of the cases potato producers had showed their disfavored attitudes towards cold storage in the study area. The multiple regression model identified that age, farm size and status of storing potato in cold storage had significant influences on the potato producers‟ attitudes towards cold storage. Cold storage authority should take care all types of producers more with a congenial environment to improve the attitudes of the potato producers. Since, this study has been conducted in a small scale; the findings should be used carefully. This type of study can be conducted in a large scale basis including traders who store potato in a cold storage to get insights into attitudes and for making generalization of the findings.

Key words: Potato producers, attitudes, cold storage, Bogura district

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