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Awreness Research on Household Cleaning Substances-Aydın

Emine Didem Evci Kiraz, Fatma Demirkıran, Sakine Memiş, Filiz Ergin, Mete Önde, Mehmet Ali Bilgen, Erdal Beşer.


To determine the knowledge levels of participants at the age of above 20 about the risks of household cleaning substances and investigate of the storage conditions of them in the houses of the participants.
Materials and Method:
This is a cross-sectional research which involves 603 participants as head of the household from each of houses region of eight health center of Aydin, October 2007-January 2008. The questionnaire was given to the participants by a face-to-face technique. The storage conditions of household cleaning substances were also investigated and filled a control list for each houses.
There were at least one household cleaning substance of 97.7% of the houses. The most of them were storaged in the bathroom (88.6%). In the houses, cleaners were founded attainable level for the childrens at the age of under the six as at the varying percents between 86-100 % according to storage part of the houses.
Child-specific health and environment control/investigation lists for practical using during periodical visiting of the health staffs should be developed. Specific training programs can be prepared and performed to increase knowledge and awareness level of the community.

Key words: Children, enviroment, health, household cleaning substances, household

Article Language: Turkish English

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