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Evaluation of Bacillus subtilis MRB4, as plant growth promoter and potential phosphate solubilizer under abiotic stress

Nishat Khatoon, Mazharuddin Khan.

Cited by 0 Articles

Exploitation of soil microbes to make fixed P and applied P available is years old practice to achieve high crop yield. Thirteen bacterial isolates capable of phosphate solubilization were isolated from the agricultural fields of Mahbubnagar, district of Telangana State, India, which were further tested for possessing plant growth promoting abilities and P solubilization potential under abiotic stress. Isolate MRB4, produced highest concentration of indole acetic acid i.e. 65 micro gram (μg)/ml, showed positive results for ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, cellulase, protease and exhibited promising antifungal activity. Solubilized tri calcium phosphate under various abiotic stress such as temperature 45°C (193 μg/ml), pH 9 (181 μg/ml), salt 8% (124 μg/ml), and Drought −0.49 matric potential (90 μg/ml).This potential isolate MRB4 is identified as Bacillus subtilis by 16S rRNA sequencing and deposited in the data bank with the accession number MK611797 and scanning electron microscope imaging is done.

Key words: P solubilization, Indole acetic acid, Abiotic stress, Bacillus, Pseudomonas

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