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Evaluation of optimum dietary inclusion level of probiotics for potential benefits on intestinal histomorphometry, microbiota, and pH in Japanese Quails

Marya Afrin, Md. Sabbya Sachi, Mirza Mienur Meher, Nusrat Jahan.


Among the alternative options of antibiotics as growth promoters (AGP) to reduce the antimicrobial resistance, probiotics are the attractive alternative which needs to compare at different doses with AGP on the intestinal health of Japanese quail. For this, a total 75 Japanese quails were equally assigned to five treatment groups having three replicates in each group (n=5). In addition to basal diet (control), four other groups were supplemented by AGP and probiotics at the dose of 0.015 gm/bird, 0.03 gm/bird, and 0.045 gm/bird. The results revealed, 0.03 gm/bird probiotics group had significantly (p

Key words: Probiotics, AGP, Morphometric, Microflora, pH and Japanese quail

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