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Original Article

Med Arch. 2021; 75(1): 35-40

The Outcome of Sepsis Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: Experience of 100 Cases

Alaa Abood Najim Al-Wadees, Ali Najeh Al-Khayyat, Qusay Abdulazahraa Yaqoob.


Introduction: The term sepsis has a deep root all over medical history. It defined by a many physician and myth such as Homer’s Iliad. Sepsis defined as a clinical syndrome as an outcome from both systemic inflammatory response syndrome and infection. It can complicate by disturb the function of the organ (severe sepsis) and shock (septic shock). Aim: Our study aims to recognize sepsis cases in Al-Sader Medical city during 2019 and evaluate the management’s management and the weak point in this management. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study done in Al-Sader Medical city; data collected from the archived files in the hospital during 2019, 100 cases reported in this period diagnosed and admitted as sepsis or admitted with other diagnosis evolved sepsis. Results: We found that one-third of the patients diagnosed as sepsis admitted to the intensive care unit, the mean duration of management 15.8 days. Many investigations did for these patients, the treatment which given to the patients was iv. fluids and antibiotics for entire patients, we also noted that death occurs in more than half of the patients in our study and death were prevalent among patient with a negative result in blood culture also the male patient was more predominant than the female patient and Najaf residency is more than three-quarters of them. Finally, we found that admission to the intensive care unit from units other than emergency or intensive care unit itself found is nearly one-third of the patient diagnosed as sepsis and the respiratory system was commonly involved and presented as pneumonia. Conclusion: More than half of the diagnosed cases died. The maximum common source of admission was from other hospital units, the severe sepsis and no growth of blood culture closely associated with death.

Key words: sepsis; management of sepsis; sepsis in ICU; prognosis of sepsis.

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