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Case Report

The fracture of the two bones of the forearm associated with a posterior elbow dislocation: Case report

Omar Fadili, Bienvenu Jean Celien Okouango, Abdellah Chrak, Mohamed Laffani, Mustapha Fadili.

Cited by 0 Articles

The fracture of the two bones of the forearm associated with posterior dislocation of the elbow is a very rare lesion and infrequent, either in current practice or in the literature. We report a case in a 37-year-old youth who was the victim of a sports accident with a follow-up of one year. Treatment consisted of closed reduction of the elbow dislocation followed by open osteosynthesis of the fracture of both bones of the forearm. The elbow was stable after reduction and the outcome was favourable despite the complexity of the lesion.

Key words: Ipsilateral forearm fractures, elbow dislocation, association

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