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Study of awareness and utilization pattern of antenatal care services among tribal women of the reproductive age group in Kodagu district, Karnataka

Sharvanan Udayar, Mubarak Parveen.


Background: There is a widening contrast between the rich and the poor communities, underserved and marginalized communities like those living in difficult terrains such as hilly and mountain regions with regard to antenatal care (ANC) utilization.

Objectives: The objectives of the were to assess the level of knowledge and to find out the pattern of ANC services utilization in married tribal women of reproductive age group and the factors affecting them.

Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional study was done among married tribal women in reproductive age group (15‑44 years) living in tribal areas of Kodagu district. The data collected included socio-demographic profile, ANC details such as registration of pregnancy, antenatal visits, and tetanus immunization.

Results: Among 288 study participants, the majority (38.2%) were in the age group of 25–29 years. One-fifth of the study participants were illiterate, and 58.0% belonged to lower socio-economic status, and 15.3% had married before the age of 18 years. More than two-third (39.2%) had more than two children. Only 66% registered the pregnancy in the first trimester, and it was noted that only 187 (64.9%) pregnant women consumed the required dose of iron and folic tablets. The utilization of various ANC services such as received required tetanus toxoid immunization, at least three visits, and family planning advice is 86.5%, 71.5%, and 90.3%, respectively. Age, literacy of parents, poverty, and age at marriage were significantly associated with adequate ANC utilization (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: From our study, there are incomplete knowledge and utilization of ANC services among studied population.

Key words: Antenatal Care; Tribal Women; Utilization

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