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Review Article

J Complement Med Res. 2020; 11(5): 106-112

Anorectic drugs: an experimental and clinical perspective –A Review

Sindhu Priya K,Lakshmi.Thangavelu,Geetha RV,Rajeshkumar.S, Raghunandhakumar.S, Anitha Roy.


Obesity is a highly prevalent disease that continuously rises and is a major problem to solve. It is associated with mortality, morbidity, diet, and treatment costs. The need for new drugs that are effective and long lasting is the primary concern for all health care professionals.
There have been lots of researches recently targeting diabetes, one showed the blockage of sodium-glucose co transporter 2 (SGLT2). It had a high glycemic index and weight-lowering potential. Dual drug therapy was suggested to be highly significant in treating diabetes -2. Fixed dose combination therapy shows an attractive option, since it reduces pill burden and improves adherence. Drugs used was metformin and empagliflozin.
Another research was done in order to acquire a balanced homeostatic energy. Disregulating one of its components can lead to obesity. Altering homeostatic signals can alter the vulnerability for drug abuse. It focuses on single protein target, lorcaslin and orlistat are the main anti-obesity drugs.
Metabolic syndrome is cluster of associated metabolic traits that increases development of CVD and dsiabetes. Seratonergic drugs and inhibitors of pancreatic lipases are used as long-term of obesity. New classes of drugs like glucagon-like peptide 1receptor agonists act on the hunger and satiety centres and favourably impact the associated traits.

Key words: diabetes mellitus, empagliflozin, metformin, metabolic syndrome, drugs

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