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Profil epidemiologique et etiologique des hemorragies genitales chez la femme en activite genitale en dehors de la grossesse : étude prospective

Solène Nyingone, Hadiza Moutari Soule, Sofia Jayi, Fatima-Zahra Fdili Alaoui, Hekmat Chaara, Moulay Abdelilah Melhouf.

Cited by 0 Articles

Genital haemorrhages are a real public health problem. They represent a frequent reason for consultation in gynaecology and obstetrics. Of various origins, they are dominated by pregnancy and hormonal disorders in women of childbearing age. Pelvic ultrasonography is the first-line examination in the exploration of these haemorrhages and guides subsequent investigations either in hysterosonography, hysteroscopy or MRI. The treatment depends on the aetiology. We report 104 patients in the active genital period, presenting abnormal genital bleeding outside of any gravidic state, collected at the Gynecology-Obstetrics II department of Hassan II University of Hospital, Fez, on a prospective study carried out in 2015 whose aim was to we studied the epidemiological and etiological, clinical and paraclinical profile of these cases and compared them to the data of the literature in order to identify a practical behaviour adapted to our Moroccan context.

Key words: Genital hemorrhage, epidemiology, Origins, genital activity

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