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Evaluation of Medical Faculty Students\'s Time Management Skills

Ümit Yavaş, Gültekin Öztürk, Cengizhan Açıkel, Mustafa Özer.


AIM: This study was carried out in order to determine medical faculty students� time management skills.
METHOD: This is a cross sectional study and was carried out between 13 -31 May 2010. The universe of the study comprised 513 medical faculty students and data collection was performed by using the Time Management Inventory (TMI) from 420 students (%81,9 of the universe). For statistical analyses of data percentage, Kruskal-Wallis, One-way Anova, Mann-Whitney U, Student-t test and Pearson correlation analysis were used.
RESULTS: Students� total time management points were minimum 44 and maximum 122. Total points� mean was 79,06±14,07 and also the median was 78 of Time Management Inventory. Total time management points of the fifth class students were higher than the others. There was no correlation between total time management points and ages of the students. Also there is no statistically significant difference between the males and females at the TMI points.
CONCLUSİON: According to the other studies the medical faculty students� total TMI mean points are low. The reason of this situation may be the pension school that someone else is planning most of students� time and inadequacy of awareness, knowledge and skills about time management. Enhancing awareness with useful knowledge and being full of resource about time management is essential.

Key words: Key Words: Time management, time management skills, medical faculty students.

Article Language: Turkish English

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