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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 653-661

Improving Motivation of Students: Motivational Strategies used by Secondary School Teachers

Dr. Abida Nasreen, Dr. Tariq Hussain, Dr. Aroona Shah Hashmi.


This research aims to focus on the motivational strategies used by Public and private school teachers in their classrooms to motivate students at secondary level. The study was carried out on a sample of two hundred and forty (240) secondary school teachers from (8) Public and (8) private schools. The data was collected through convenient sampling technique. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the teachers to know that how these strategies were being used in public and private schools. For comparing the means of both types of secondary schools, independent sample t- test was applied to see the difference of groups' opinion.The results revealed that teachers of both type of schools were using multiple strategies i.e. Cooperative instructional Behavior, Structuring the lesson, Students' overall work, reading skills and writing skills.Furthermore, private school teachers were more appreciative towards studentsÂ’ performance to motivate them than public school teachers. It wasalso indicated that private school teachers were more actively motivating and advising students to read newspaper than public school teachers.

Key words: Motivation, secondary, teachers, teaching strategies

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