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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3052-3059

Role Of Self-Help Group In Socio Economic Development Of India

Amit Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Sathi Roy Mondal.


Self-help Groups have been playing considerable role in training of Swarozgaris, infrastructure development, marketing and technology support, communication level of members, self confidence among members, change in family violence, frequency of interaction with outsiders, change in the saving pattern of SHG members, change in the cumulative saving pattern of SHG members per month, involvement in politics, achieving social harmony, achieving social justice, involvement in community action, sustainable quality and accountability, equity within SHGs, defaults and recoveries, and sustainability - financial value. The financial mobility due to participation in the SHG has led to an improvement in the quality of life, according to some of the successful groups. Overall, many families were able to address their basic needs better than before. The implementation of SHG has generated Self-employment opportunities for the rural poor. The program helped many participants in improving their economic conditions. After joining the self help group the women are economically and socially empowered.

Key words: Self Help Groups, financial mobility, self employment opportunities, economic conditions.

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