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Analysis of association between lichen planus with hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection in patients attending outpatient department of dermatology at tertiary care hospital in Central Rajasthan

Surendra Kumar, Sunil Sohu, Manoj Meena, Sumitra Nain, Rajkumar Kothiwala, Ashok Meharada.


Background: Lichen planus (LP) is a non-infectious cutaneous disease, characterized by the presence of itchy, flat from top, polygonal, and papular lesions having a strikingly violaceous color.

Objectives: The objectives are as follows: (1) To establish the association of hepatitis B and hepatitis C with LP in urban areas of Ajmer and (2) to analyze the derangements in liver function tests of LP patients who attended the outpatient Department of Dermatology in JLN Hospital Ajmer.

Materials and Methods: To conduct the study, 102 patients of LP and 100 control subjects were selected between age groups of 18 and 60 years. A detailed history including age, sex, race, residence, clinical symptoms, and their duration was recorded. Control group was selected from blood donors at blood bank of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer, and was corresponding in age and sex to those of study group. A thorough clinical examination, systemic and cutaneous examination was performed. Clinical findings classical of LP and lesions confirmed histopathologically were used to establish the diagnosis of LP. A rapid test kit was used for detecting seropositivity for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Chi-square test and multivariate regression analysis using SPSS version 16 were used to analyze the collected research data.

Results: None of the patients of LP in the study group were HCV and HBV positive. None of the control group was positive for both viral infections. In 16 patients (15.68%), the levels of serum aspartate aminotransferase were beyond the normal limits, and higher levels of alanine aminotransferase were detected in 5 patients (4.90%). Bilirubin concentrations higher than the normal limits were detected in total 16 patients (15.68%).

Conclusion: No association of hepatitis B and C with LP could be established from the present study. More detailed research is needed to establish the correlation between hepatitis B and C and LP.

Key words: Lichen Planus; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C

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