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Original Article

ECB. 2015; 4(3): 169-176


Fatmir Faiku, Arben Haziri, Fatbardh Gashi, Naser Troni, Imer Haziri.


The main research was the multielementary analyses of some environmental toxic elements downstream the river Lumbardhi Deçan
(Kosovo), where they end up as natural and anthropogenic recipients. We used ICP/MS as method for the analysis. Results of some toxic
elements are as: Cu (4.3-12.6 μg dm-3
), Zn (8.8-65.7 μg dm-3
), Pb (1.44-8.85 μg dm-3
), Cd (0.02-0.15 μg dm-3
), Mn (7.6-48.8 μg dm-3
), As
(0.46-0.68 μg dm-3
), Cr (0.3-1.1 μg dm-3
), Fe (30-760 μg dm-3
), Ni (0.6-3.4 μg dm-3
), Sb (0.06-0.33 μg dm-3
), Al (112-659 μg dm-3
). Also
some physico-chemical parameters are determined: air temperature, water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total hardness,
sulphates, phosphates, nitrites, ammonium, dissolved oxygen and BOD5. Results obtained by the box plot method showed the regions with
determined anomalous element concentration values in the water of Lumbardhi Deçan. Even that in Kosovo we don’t have yet any
legislative convent for allowed concentrations of toxic metals for natural water resources, the results from this study are a small
contribution to gain a clear overview of the statement in this field of environmental quality assurance

Key words: Water, ICP/MS, pollution assessment, Lumbardhi River.

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