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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(3): 233-236

Gross testicular morphometric parameters and sperm reserves in indigenous Ghanaian West African dwarf goats

J Atawalna, D Essel-Cobbinah, PD Akpalu & BO Emikpe.


The West African Dwarf (WAD) goat has genetic potentials that can be exploited for improved goat production. However, their testicular morphometric parameters and sperm reserves in Ghana are not well known. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Sabtiu Musah abattoir in Kumasi, Ghana, to evaluate the gross testicular morphometric parameters and sperm reserves in 10 indigenous WAD goats. The samples were stored on an ice chest and transported to the Regional Veterinary Laboratory for analysis on the day of collection. In the laboratory, the testes and epididymis were separated by dissection and then freed of all connective tissue and the Tunica albuginea. The weight, length, width and volume of the testis were determined. A segment of testicular parenchyma was incised and homogenized in a 20 ml normal saline solution. The resulting homogenate was stored in the refrigerator overnight and a filtered aliquot used for estimating spermatid concentration and sperm reserves. The weight, length, width, volume of the testis and the gonadosomatic index were 70.09 ±14.19 gm, 7.46 ± 0.52 cm, 5.08 ± 0.62, cm, 102.40 ± 29.40 ml and 5.09 ± 0.07%, respectively. The sperm reserves per the whole testis, sperm reserves per gramme testis, Daily Sperm production (DSP), and DSP per gramme testis of Ghanaian WAD bucks were 146.0 ± 50.95, 2.2 ± 0.62, 41.01 ± 14.3 and 0.62 ± 0.17 x109 spermatozoa, respectively. Indigenous West African Draft goats have a high potential for sperm production. It is recommended that further research be conducted on the semen quality parameters of this breed

Key words: West African, dwarf goat, morphometry, sperm reserves, daily sperm production

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