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Review Article

Risk Factors of Synchronous Breast and Thyroid Cancer: a Controlled Multicenter Study and Review of the Literature

Stefanos Zervoudis, Georgios Iatrakis, Anisa Markja, Georgios Tsatsaris, Anastasia Bothou, Georg FG. von Tempelhoff, Mirsini Balafouta, Pana Tsikouras.


Background: Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women in the United States. Thyroid cancer (TC) is also one of the fastest increasing cancer types in the United States, with most cases being papillary thyroid carcinomas. Objective: To identify possible risk factors for the synchronous or metachronous co-occurrence of breast and thyroid cancers. Methods: We carried out a study, which consisted of data from four gynecological clinics: two in Greece (Athens, Alexandroupolis, Ioannina) and one in Germany, collected from June 2017 to June 2020. The patients were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of 58 patients with breast cancer and a personal history of thyroid cancer. The second group (control group) included 50 patients with the same characteristics as to age, parity, type of pregnancy, treatment for sterility, polycystic ovaries, regularity of the menstrual cycle, breast density, BMI, family history of cancer, blood group rhesus and histological results of breast cancer. The data we collected were analyzed using version 20 of the SPSS statistical package. The Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis and a p-value

Key words: multiple cancer, thyroid cancer, thyroid and breast cancer.

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