The complex crystallizes in orthorhombic crystal system with space group Pbca. The unit cell parameters are: a=12.346(15) Å, b=
9.0931(9) Å, c= 25.136(5) Å, Z=4. The asymmetric unit comprises of half molecule with nickel(II) cation lies on an inversion centre. The
Ni(II) atom is coordinated in a distorted octahedral arrangement. The variation in C–S bond lengths involving the xanthate ligands
indicates the presence of double bond character due to delocalization over the two C–S bonds. The crystal structure was refined to a final
reliability index (R-value) of 0.0594 for 1714 observed reflections. The amyl chain attached to the dithiocarbonato group contains disorder
over two sets of sites with occupancy ratios of 0.683: 0.317. The crystal structure is stabilized by weak C-H…π interactions
Key words: xanthates, crystal structure, direct methods, interactions, octahedral.