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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 716-721

“MGNREGA in Panjab: A Case Study of Patiala District of Panjab”

Inderjit Kaur, Dr. Javeed Ahmad Bhat.


The development of any nation is depending on the economy of nation and living standard of citizens of the nation. The government of India is always trying for the welfare of their citizens. There are many schemes at central level and state level in India for the welfare of Indians such as Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, PM Modi Health ID Card, Ownership plan, Ayushman Sahakar Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Kusum Yojana, Swanidhi Yojana, Antratyodaya Annan Yojana, National Education Policy Plan, MGNREGA program etc. The major problem that Indians are facing is of unemployment. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act i.e. MGNREGA was enacted by the Government of India in the year 2005 as National Rural Employment. Introduced as Guarantees Act, 2005 (NREGANREGA). In the year 2010, the name of NREGA was changed to MGNREGA (MGNREGA). MGNREGA, which introduced rural India to the ‘dignity of labor’, is the world’s largest legal guarantor of employment. There is 100 days guaranteed employment for adult members of each family wishing to do unskilled labor under MGNREGA program, daily Provision has been made for unemployment allowance and transport allowance (in case of distance of more than 5 km). It is to be noted that there is a provision of 150 days employment under MGNREGA in drought prone areas and tribal areas. The current work focuses on the MGNREGA scheme in Panjab and its outcome in the Patiala District of Panjab.

Key words: : Government of India, Patiala, schemes, unemployment, employment, guarantee, Panjab, MGNREGA etc.

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