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Review Article

Rapid in vitro adventitious rooting and proliferation by leaf and nodal cultures of Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl.

Chaitanya Gopu, Chandra Shekar Chakilam, Pavani Chirumamilla, Suvarchala Vankudoth, Shasthree Taduri.

Cited by 3 Articles

Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl. is a wild vegetable and important medicinal plant which belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. In the present study an in vitro rhizogenesis protocol of Momordica cymbalaria has been developed. The effect of plant growth regulators (PGR’s) such as NAA, IBA and IAA alone in different concentrations have been studied. Both leaf and nodal explants have been used for rhizogenesis studies. The maximum number of roots were produced in node explants at different concentrations of NAA (9.3±0.61), IBA (6.5±0.41) and IAA (3.5±0.66) and in leaf explants NAA (5.7±0.56), IBA (6.9±0.61) and IAA (5.0±0.73) on half strength MS medium. NAA is the most effective auxin for induction of roots in node explants and in leaf explants in Momordica cymbalaria.

Key words: Momordica cymbalaria, in vitro, rhizogenesis, auxins, cytokinins

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