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Intrafamilial Spread of COVID-19 Infection Within Population in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nizama Salihefendic, Muharem Zildzic, Haris Huseinagic, Sead Ahmetagic, Dzenita Salihefendic, Izet Masic.


Background: The corona virus is transmitted in three ways: by direct contact with an infected person, by droplets, and by air. Transmission control according to official guidelines can be prevented by keeping a distance, wearing a mask and washing hands. Sharing a space with several members of the immediate or extended family increases the risk of transmission in all three ways. In Traditional Bosnian families two or three generations live in one household. The family doctor is informed with living conditions of the residents and has the opportunity to monitor the rate of secondary transmission from the index case, and then recommend additional preventative and treatment measures. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the first occurrence of the symptoms and to monitor possible intrafamilial transmission of the disease through clinical examinations and microbiological-serological tests. Methods: The study was conducted in a family medicine clinic in the region of northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina from March to December 2020. Patients with symptoms that could indicate the presence of COVID-19 disease were registered. If COVID-19 was proven, the patient became an index case. The other members of the family would be monitored for the secondary transmission via laboratory (PCA SARS-CoV-2 and IgM and IgG antibodies) and clinical parameters. Results: Characteristics of 25 index cases were analyzed. All 25 of them were middle-aged men that worked outside the home. In 25 households, there was a total of 123 members that shared a home with the index patient. Secondary transmission developed in 76 out of 123 family members (61.8%). Only one patient had a severe form of the disease and was hospitalized. 2 patients died. Conclusion: Intrafamiliar transmission of Covid-19 in households of Bosnia and Herzegovina is high. The secondary attack rate of SARS- CoV-2 in households is 61,8%. In the surveyed households, family members use common rooms with an infected patient, and the customs of family gatherings are maintained, without the implementation of protective measures. The family medicine team has the opportunity to apply appropriate preventive action, education and early prehospital treatment as well as adequate selection for the hospital admission.

Key words: OVID-19, Intrafamilial transmission, Family medicine, Education, Prehospital treatment.

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