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Mater Sociomed. 2021; 33(1): 21-25

Infant Sleep Difficulties at the 6th Week and the 12th Month Postpartum: What Is their Relationship with Maternal Mental Health and Other Perinatal Factors?

Maria Dagla, Calliope Dagla, Irina Mrvoljak-Theodoropoulou, Aikaterini-Taxiarchoula Kavakou, Eleni Rigoutsou, Evangelia Antoniou.


Introduction: Infant sleep difficulties are often a challenge for new parents and may be related to maternal mood. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of reported infant sleep difficulties at the 6th week and at the 12th month postpartum is associated with maternal psychological well-being and the presence of a mental health disorder in the perinatal period or with other perinatal factors. Methods: It is a retrospective longitudinal study, examining a sample of 622 women who attended a 12-month innovative psychosocial intervention. Data were obtained through the EPDS and PHQ-9 psychometric tools, and the completion of a health history. Statistical analyses included Spearman rank correlation coefficients and Chi-square tests. Results: Reported infant sleep difficulties at the 6th week postpartum were associated with a) increased maternal scores on psychometric tools (EPDS and PHQ-9) during pregnancy and at the 6th week postpartum, b) the presence of pathological maternal mental health symptoms in the perinatal period (p=.034), c) high maternal educational level (p

Key words: infant sleep difficulties, postpartum, maternal mental health

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