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Mater Sociomed. 2021; 33(1): 34-40

Translation, Cultural Adaptation, Validation and Internal Consistency of the Factors of Nurses Caring Behavior

Victoria Alikari, Evangelos C. Fradelos, Natalia Giannakopoulou, Georgia Gerogianni, Flora Efstathiou, Maria Lavdaniti, Sofia Zyga.


Introduction: The international literature presents a significant gap in the study of the factors affecting caring behaviors as perceived by nurses. This gap requires the study of the factors of nurses’ caring behavior. Aim: The translation and the cultural adaptation of the Factors of Nurses Caring Behaviors (FNCB) scale in the Greek language, the validity, and internal consistency of the scale. Methods: Between November- December 2019, 329 Greek nurses from six public general hospitals completed the FNCB scale consisting of 32 items rating on a 5-point Likert scale. The scale was firstly translated in the Greek language, then back-translated in the English language and culturally adapted. To investigate the construct validity of the scale, exploratory factor analysis was carried out with principal component analysis. The test-retest reliability was performed while the internal consistency was checked through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Statistical analysis was performed via the Statistical Program SPSS version 21.0. The statistical significance level was set up at 0.05. Results: The final Greek version of the FNCB Scale includes six factors which were revealed from the exploratory factor analysis: Workplace Circumstances, Workload/Management, Interest/Perceptions on Nursing Job,Nurse’s Educational Background, Patient’s Demographic Characteristics, and Patient’s Clinical Characteristics. The internal consistency of the scale was excellent (Cronbach’s alpha 0.95). Conclusions: The Greek version of the FNCB Scale is a valid and reliable questionnaire which can be used for the measure of factors affecting nurses’ caring behavior.

Key words: caring behaviors, caring, translation, construct validity, reliability.

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