Introduction: Swine influenza is respiratory infection caused by virusinfluenza A H1N1. Objective: To show epidemiological and clinicalcharacteristic of patients with confirmed influenza A H1N1 hospitalizedat Clinic for Infectious Diseases of University Clinical Center Sarajevo.Material and methods: We analyzed 127 medical records of patients withmicrobiologically confirmed pandemic influenza A/H1N1 (nasopharyngealswab analyzed by PCR method). Results: In our investigation female patientsprevail (57%), age from 25 to 45 years old with medium difficult clinical picture(71,55%). Chi-square test showed significant dependence between sexand clinical status of patient (p0,05), radiological confirmed pneumonia (p>0,05),number of prehospital days of diseases (p>0,05) and length of hospital care(p>0,05). Significant impact on clinical status of patients is found related toage (p
Key words: pandemic influenza, AH1N1, risk factors.