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Med Arch. 2011; 65(1): 20-22

The Influence of the Type of Ulcers in the Degree of Atrophic Gastritis

Zaim Gashi, Sadik Zekaj, Adem Haziri, Aurora Bakalli.


Purpose: Chronic Gastritis is the most common manifestation of infectionwith Helicobacter pylori . Changes in the gastric mucosa havetendency to progress towards mucosal atrophy, most likely in patientswith gastric ulcer. We have explored the frequency of the presence of atrophicgastritis in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers. Material and method:We included 175 patients in a prospective study, 119 of whom were patientswith duodenal ulcer and 56 suffered from gastric ulcer. The mean age of thepatients with duodenal ulcer was 42.27 years, while patients with gastric ulcerhad a mean age of 51.87 years. Biopsy was done on all patients with gastricand duodenal ulcer for histopathological examination, in order to confirmthe presence of atrophic gastritis. All examined patients were positive forH. Pylori status. Results: The presence of gastritis by type of ulcer, duodenalor gastric, was as follows: type without atrophy 20% and 0%, mild atrophy61% and 14% and severe atrophy 22% and 86%, respectively. Conclusions:In patients with duodenal ulcers more often occurs mild atrophic gastritis(p

Key words: atrophicgastritis, helicobacter pylori, peptic ulcer.

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