This study investigated Fishery teachersÂ’ expressed knowledge gaps and training needs for the implementation of Fishery trade curriculum in public secondary schools in Delta State. The study is an ex-post facto research, in whichtwo research questions were answered and 2 hypotheses tested. The population of the study comprised 375 Fishery teachers in pubic secondary schools in Delta State. The study adopted a multistage samplingprocedure and the sample which was obtained with simple percentage was 196 Fishery teachers. The data collection instrument was structured questionnaire which was duly validated and the reliability was determined with split-half and pearson product moment correlation coefficient and a coefficient of 0.76 was obtained. The data collection instrument was administered by the researcher with the aid of 3 research assistants and the statistical instruments used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation to answer research questions and t-test statistics for hypotheses testing. The result revealed that Fishery teachers have Fishery skills/ knowledge deficiencies it also showed the areas of Fishery where trainings are required. Equally revealed are the training modes preferred by the teachers. The study recommends that Fishery teachers in Delta State public secondary schools should be granted in-service training for effective implementation of trade curriculum in Fishery also competent new hands should also be recruited.
Key words: Fishery trade curriculum, teachers skills, knowledge gaps, teachers training needs, in-service training