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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1810-1813

A Study on the Inducement of Human Resource Practices on the Behavioral Outcomes of IT/ITES employees in Chennai City



The exceptional-going IT-ITES zeal has resisted a slew of issues, allowing for fullness and aristocracy of capacity. Sedulity has honed this ability by carving bearable and creative outcomes. Since the tutorial associations lagged behind in delivering the required number of prepared people for sedulity, and their seminars were unable to keep up with the evolving technological crazes,The IT-ITES sedulity forged ahead and snatched up massive in-burrow internship baptisms, helping them to accelerate their growth and compete on par with multinational behemoths in the global market.
Since it addresses the “valuation-cast” by human resources and thus the HR feature, the solutions of Human Resource (HR) exercises on the organisation and its force can be a vital content both from a tutorial and expounder perspective. At the macro level, earth-shattering research on the impact of HR practises on the club has been conducted, examining the connection between HR practises and financial performance.Only Brigade investigators were able to check the external factors that affect organisational performance, ignoring the intervening and mediating variables. Using a contour approach, this paper compares and contrasts systems that have been theorised and related to the relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) practises and organisational performance.

Key words: HRM practices, organizational performance, employees,behavioral outcome, leadership

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