The title compound C40H26O2 [(2E, 2'E)-3, 3'-(1,3-Phenylene)-bis(1-(anthracene-9-yl)prop-2-en-1-one)] was prepared from the reaction of
isophthalaldehyde and 9-acetylanthracene treated with solution of ethanol and sodium hydroxide. It has been crystallized from DMF using
slow evaporation method in the triclinic space group P-1 with Z=2 and unit cell parameters, a = 9.8276(8) b = 10.7470(8), c = 14.5606(10)
Å, α= 99.833(6), β=104.495(6), = 97.371(6)º. The architecture of the crystal structure is determined mainly by three intermolecular
interactions [C23-H10…O1, C25-H15…O1, C16-H17…O1], here O1 acts as an acceptor to three different carbon atoms, resulting into the
formation of a trifurcated hydrogen bond, forming a graph set motif R
2(8) through a pair of C25-H15...O1 interactions. These motifs are
further extended through another intermolecular hydrogen bond [C3-H6...O2] forming a ladder like network, extending along the c-axis.
Key words: anthracene, single crystal XRD, direct method, intermolecular interactions, hydrogen bonding