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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3074-3085

A Comparative Study On Uid/Ux Of Mobile Applications

B. Senthil Kumar, A. Jayanthiladevi, C. Nandhini, V. Chandra Mouly.


The research aimed to study the user interface design of a mobile banking application’s of Tamil Nadu. Also, this research works tries to improve the user interface by analyzing its design aspects. A private bank’s mobile banking application is analyzed and taken in this case study. The design aspects, user experience, security system, loading time, cognitive load, easiness, and its content pages are analyzed in order to give suggestions to improve the usability of the system. A qualitative content analysis method is used in this study. The Equitas small finance bank’s bank mobile application is taken for this case study. This research tends to conclude that the Equitas mobile banking application has many advantages in simplifying the financial transaction process. Also, it has smart features such as face and fingerprint detection technology for the smart phone user groups.
It is a customer centered design and it has many advantages in flexible communications. This mobile banking application can be improved in terms of its speed, auto-fill options, EMI options, and security features. Also, it should be improved to pay bills to electricity board, state government, and central government organizations. Aadhar card and photo features are not included in this application. The design of the application needs improvements such as the order of preferences in pages and links. The check’s transaction details and the loan’s details are not included in the mobile banking application. Furthermore, the frequent transaction details are not updated according to the customer’s expectations. The updating details and improvements need to be informed well in advance.

Key words: UX design, UID, loading time, cognitive load, Customer centric design, improvements.

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