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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3086-3101

Study Of Internet Banking Usage: Elderly Vs Youth

Dr. Sarina Asif.


Existing research in online banking has not deeply investigated the determinants of use and non-use of Internet Banking among the youths and elderly people. Therefore, this research investigates the preferences of different age groups regarding internet banking. It also tries to find out which is better in terms of service deliver in internet banking or traditional banking. The research is descriptive in nature and uses convenience sampling method. To analyse the data, two sample Z-test and one way ANOVA were used. Findings indicate that, there is relationship between experience of online banking and experience of traditional banking. The findings also reveal that there is enough evidence to support that there is a relationship between no. of years of usage and online banking.

Key words: Online Banking; Traditional Banking; Youth; Elderly.

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