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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1814-1825

The Emoticon and Emoji Usage among Elementary Language Learners: A Case Study

Halil Ercan.


The present study investigated the elementary foreign language learnersÂ’ usage of emoticons and emojis in their media communication in English. Fifty-two foreign elementary language learners of the Final International University (FIU) were worked with. Data were collected through a questionnaire which was seen as an effective tool (See Appendix -1 and 2). The collected data were analysed through SPSS version 20 and coding was used to calculate the frequencies. The study tried to find answers on whether the elementary language learners differentiate between emojis and emoticons, who uses emojis and emoticons more, in which contexts, how and why they use emojis and emoticons at the School of Foreign Languages at the FIU use in their media communication in English. The researcher considers that the results of this present study will provide insights for both learners and language teachers in the field.

Key words: Emoticons, Foreign language learners, EFL learners, learner emotions, L2 learning.

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