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Prevalence and risk factors of diabetic neuropathy in Qassim, Saudi Arabia

Amal A Almohisen, Lama M Almuhaysen, Khawlah K Alhatlany, Reham H Alghalth, Ashwaq M Almutairi, Fatmah A Almarzogy, Haneen A Alghasham, Ghaida M Almohaysen.


Background and Aim: Diabetic neuropathy is the commonest early and long-term complication of diabetes. Saudi Arabia has a high prevalence of diabetic neuropathy reaching (65%), which necessitate the establishment of a preventive program. The aim of the study was to measure the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy and its associated risk factors in Qassim, Saudi Arabia.

Methods: A cross-sectional study that utilized an adopted a translated version of Michigan neuropathy screening instrument. An electronic questionnaire was filled by each participant after obtaining inform consent. The questionnaire included questions about neuropathy in addition to added questions about demography of participants. After data collection, SPSS version 21.00 was used for data analysis.

Results: A total of 374 patients has been included in the analysis. Of which (54%) were females, and (97.1%) were Saudis with a neuropathy was (38.2%). Significant associations with abnormal total scores included; low education (p= 0.007), hypertension (p = 0.017), high body mass index (p < 0.001), use of insulin and/or multidrug for diabetes (p < 0.001). Further analysis of sex, age, and smoking did not show any significance with diabetic neuropathy.

Conclusions: Our study concluded that more than one third of diabetics in Qassim region are having diabetic neuropathy. Paying attention to risk factors is an important factor for early detection of the condition.

Key words: Diabetic neuropathy, risk factors, Qassim, Saudi Arabia.

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