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University Students Perception of Online Education: Is Engagement Enough?

Apostolos Fyllos,, Asimakis Kanellopoulos, Pavlos Kitixis, Daniel-Valentin Cojocari, Alexandra Markou, Vasileios Raoulis, Nikolaos Strimpakos, Aristeidis Zibis.


Background: Universities have halted non-essential services, with many restricting campus-based teaching, and continuing courses through online resources, including (controversially) lab-work. Such technologically enhanced approaches have been proven to have high levels of engagement among university students. Objective: This study focuses on the perception of quality of online learning by first-year university students, between two semesters, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A 24-item questionnaire was designed with Likert response scale. It consisted of general perception questions of academic life and questions specific to the quality of delivery of a specific class. Eighty one eligible students were asked to fill the same questionnaire for each semester. Students’ responses and their grades from the final exams in each semester were compared. Results: Out of 81 eligible students, 75.31% of students responded to the survey. They were less interested in their studies in the second “online” semester (p=0.05). Students expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of online classes (p=0.03). Academic life fulfillment was also affected (p=0.02). Students’ perception of the amount of free time they had between semesters did not change significantly (p=0.16). Students appeared dissatisfied with their active participation during the online class (p=0.007), even though they felt less stressed attending lectures from home (p=0.041). However, they found that workload was bearable and similar between semesters (p=0.83). Students also had significantly more trouble concentrating during online lectures (p

Key words: education, university, COVID-19, online learning.

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